Few years ago FBI busted them when they used to be at the old inspection station in NE for taking bribes from shady cab drivers and things got kosher for a while. But for the last five years or so those cockroaches are getting out of hand again. I have heard of stories of some cab drivers pushing their no good cabs in to the station and rolling out of the station with an inspection sticker good for six month. All you need is leave a C note in the ashtray and you will be on your way to easy street with your new sticker while praying for your brakes to stop at the next red light.
Don't be alarmed when you step in my cab, I drive a very clean and powerful 1996 SS LT1 that is in a top condition. Even wannabe rap stars offer me all kind of cash to buy my cab whenever I stop by their hood to do some crack shopping with my passengers.
Please don't forget the homeless,
Mad Cabbie.
When are you going to take me crack shopping Mad?
Sounds very Sopranos...
That would be a an Impala? Similar to a souped up Caprice?
what's a code red heat advisory
Well Mad it turns out that your still in the Caprice well I guess that happens especially because they wont let you get new cabs. By the way are you the only cabbie left in a Caprice?
I always wondered how the smoking heaps that some cabbies drive actually got past inspection. Once, while waiting for my personal car to get inspected, I saw a cab spitting out so much smoke that the thing was hidden in a cloud by the time the inspector took it into the bay. But, sure enough, new inspection sticker on the windshield when it rolled out the other end.....
Ever been tempted to sell that beautiful machine, Mad?
(Also, beware of spam... It's sneaking into the comments.)
How do you manage to come up with the interesting stuff every time!!good job!
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