I pulled up at this expensive condo early this morning in Wesley Heights to pick up some chick who wanted to go to National Airport. While I was waiting for her in the driveway another lady approached towards my cab from the lobby, and I asked her if she was from apartment XYZ, but she wasn't the person that I was supposed to pick up. She told me that the concierge booked a Diamond Cab for her and the cab failed to show up on time and had only an hour to catch her plane to Miami from National Airport.
Her face looked too familiar and it didn't take me too long to figure out who she was. She was Donna Shalala who used to be the U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary under President Bill Clinton and the current President Of University of Miami. People who're running late to catch a plane like some of you VIP wanna be usually scream and bitch especially if it is the cab company's fault. But as an accomplished and a well connected woman as she is, she was calm, civil and didn't try to blame anyone. To make the long story short I managed to take them both to National Airport.
Whenever I encounter celebrities I always try to act like I don't know them so that they may open up and talk shit. Since she had company in the back seat with her I never had the opportunity to chat with her so all the conversation was between her and the other chic while I played a fly on the wall. No skinny to tell you about but Donna was talking about a conversation she had with Nancy Pelosi yesterday and that they are confident a democrat will take over the White House, stem cell and AIDS research will be funded full force and NIH will get a shit load of money. Nothing juicy!
But here at Mad Cabbie is where you get your Washington insider information fuck that stupid ass Matt Drudge!
Please don't forget the homeless,
Mad Cabbie.
you still have homeless
Yes we still have homeless people in DC Taxitalk! What kind of a dumb ass comment is that?
Taxitalk is from Alberta, Canada. They don't have homeless people there.... Probably because they all freeze to death during those long Canadian winters.
Those Canadians!
Lug I think I saw you at National the other morning! You were clocking 90mph in front of US Airways!
I love your blog. Thanks for sharing it!
There will be more and more homeless,lose your job, home foreclosed on and there you go.Some of us are going to be a lot closer to it in the coming years, except ceo's of oil companies of course.
That's cool Mad. I wish I could cruise them D.C. Establishment insiders around. I would bug they asses like they do us everyday shmoes.
I found this funny quote on Wikipedia about Shalalalalala - "Her sexuality is a purported "matter of dispute."
Could you confirm her sexuality based on your well tuned bitch-dar?
She's as interesting as the one legged hooker, and probably as well connected. I love it when you write about who is in the back of your cab.
"they are confident a democrat will take over the White House, stem cell and AIDS research will be funded full force and NIH will get a shit load of money. Nothing juicy!" Geez..maybe while they're at it they can teach the dumb to talk. No, wait..Rush Limbaugh.
Bitches...bitches...bitches.. The greatest president that ever lived George W. Bush is not going to step down, anybody that knows anything about his policies will agree with me, 2 stolen elections, 2 bullshit wars, no decent, and a whole bunch of amendments, laws, and signing statements that essentially say 'make me leave bitches'. Euphoria is a bitch, son. I'm taking bets. Anyway Mad good eye, maybe you was gold digging, I always say a nigger aint got no business working early in the morning with that early morning hard-on.
Thank you emf! Always more to come.
June, you are a well informed citizen! sorry your vote might not count in Florida!
Johnny, I know there is always been rumors about Donna's sexuality but my Gay-dar didn't sense anything...If she's into digging chicks more power to her, I don't h have any problem with it!
Peggy, I hope I will hit the jackpot one of these days worth a headline in the Washington Post, like Bill O'Reilly getting a blow-job from a crack-whore in my cab!
"Geez..maybe while they're at it they can teach the dumb to talk. No, wait..Rush Limbaugh." ?!?!?!
You lost me there Anonymous 5:24 PM
Anonymous 2:02 AM, Why do I have a feeling that you are that deaf kid I picked up couple a years ago! Great comment though!
Hey Mad & lugosi,
I'm from Alberta Canada and we do have homeless here...I guess they're just hardier...and, thanks to global warming, the winters are not near as cold nor as long anymore.
I read a few of taxitalk's posts just now; he seems to tell it like it is for around here.
But I don't know what his comment about the homeless meant either...
Anyway, Mad, love to read your blog.
Take care, eh?
A Red Top Dodge Magnum? Yeah, that would definitely have been me. Only car like that in the fleet. You need to check your radar gun, however. I would never EVER do 90 in front of USAIR.... Maybe 85, but certainly not 90.
Yo mad love the blog. Couple of questions:
Can I request you from Diamond?
And could you find me some skunk?
just discovered this blog and look forwards to reading more of it, it looks entertaining...
Either that piece of trash doorman or that asswipe desk clerk at 2801 sold Ol' Donna's trip to somebody who didn't show up for it. I've snagged more than one out of there and the Van Ness when the guy who bought the job didn't show up. Imagine that, buying a job and not showing up for it. I guess you managed to get a dispatched Reagan airport fare because those buttholes at 2801 had run out of Nigerians and Iranians in their payola club to call.
Still, I can't understand why anyone would pay for a Reagan airport fare. A Dulles or a BWI, maybe, but I wouldn't pay even for those. These days, you can't pay some drivers to take a BWI, with the traffic what it is, and all. It's easy for me, I just get off at one particular D.C. exit and go home, afterwards, but those Ghanaians who live in Virginia, they don't want BWI. Poor Alberta, she can't sell those. Maybe Best or Covington can get a few people to buy 'em, who knows........
Diamond has to have the most CROOKED radio room that it has EVER had. Karas and Dexter, when Winegar was President were not as bad; even Red Harris was not that bad..........., and they WERE pretty bad.
As for Ol' Donna herself, they think Ann Coulter is a man................
The last comment sounds like my man Phil! Was that you old buddy?
Nope, not me, but that guy does think in a fashion similar to mine. It appears that he has had experiences similar to mine.
It could not be me. I call it 'National', not 'Reagan'; 'Friendship', not 'BWI', just to name a few things.
But anyhow, I am at Schaeffer's; come by and say hello.
Phil, what's up with old man Best getting rid of all the white people? I smell a lawsuit in the air! By the way I hear your voice on the air over the Diamond radio (around Maclean Gardens) whenever I work late in the morning.
Do you mind if I write about you using your first name?
He has run all the white people out of the office except for two tokens. A lawsuit? Not in the District of Columbia quite yet. It is still allright to discriminate against white people in the District of Columbia. A lawsuit like that would still not pass what libBOTs call the 'laugh test'. In our lifetime, it will, but not quite yet. Still, several reliable sources have told me that Best has made more than one anti-white comment while he was President. They told me that he made several of them while I was still Corporate Secretary.
I suspect that there were several reasons that he ran McGregor and me out of the office. Amoung them was McGregor's catching one crooked operator several times and my catching two crooked operators and a crooked dispatcher. I even had photographic proof on the crooked dispatcher. He was focusing all of his efforts on one operator whom he could never catch. He could not catch her because SHE WAS NOT DOING ANYTHING! That made him look bad, so he had to get rid of us. He has since caught the same crooked operator that McGregor and I caught and she is still there. McGregor and I both tried to fire her when we caught her, but the Board overruled us. It does not matter, anymore, the overwhelming majority of the drivers at Diamond do not care what happens to them. If they did, I would still be there. Soon they will be working for the owner of a certain insurance company (and it ain't EITHER Schaeffer),and they will wish that they had done something when they had the chance. That guy is B-A-D news for the independent cab driver. Since the guy in question has made his move for Diamond, I suspect that you will get your time and distance metre, MadCee. You will not like the baggage that comes with it, though.
To my knowledge, I am the only white driver that he has run out of there, and I left of my own accord, he did not throw me out. Mills left for Yellow, but he had an argument with Spooner, so he came back. I was paying Diamond the same one-hundred bananas a week that you still are paying them and getting only mediocre and garbage jobs. I will not pay dispatchers, operators or management to get the good jobs. Schaeffer charges me half that and I get more good jobs there than I did at Diamond.
And yes, you can call me 'Phil'. That is how most people in the business know me, anyhow. Google identifies me as 'Philip' when I post, anyhow.
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