As a cab driver in one of the most important city in the world I get to meet people from all over the planet, I even met someone from North Dakota the other night. During the tourist season it feels like the whole world is in Washington and sometimes communicating with foreign passengers in English could be a very tricky proccess. Americans in general, we are idiots when it comes to trying to learn a second language but my years of experience at interacting with vast number of foreign drivers and passengers had given me the opportunity to understand different thick accents from different countries. The most difficult time I ever had communicating with a passenger though didn't come from a Latino who just got off the bus, but from a well connected American they call James Carville. As you may know this cat used to be one of the master minds who ran Bill Clinton's presidential bid in 1992 and he is still milking-off from that successful gig.
Few years ago he got in to my cab and asked to be driven to the Palm Restaurant, I had to ask him about three times before I understood what his destination was. This guy is as creepy looking as they come man! It was in the middle of the football season and he was talking some shit about Michael Vick for almost ten minutes and I didn't understand a word he said but I just kept saying
"That's right! That's right" like an idiot until I got rid of him quick.
By the way, John Edwards is going to endorse Barack Obama right before the Pennsylvania primaries! You heard it here first at Mad Cabbie, your Washington insider.
Please don't forget the homeless,
Mad Cabbie.
Mad, what is the basis for that last prediction?
Like anonymous i would like to know too.I think i saw that guy in a Frankenstein movie.
A few years back I had this couple in the cab. They spoke English fairly well, but spoke in French to one another. Nothing unusual there, except they kept interspersing their French with "Eh?"
When we got to their destination, I couldn't resist asking if they were from Quebec. They looked genuinely surprised and asked how I knew that.
Just a lucky guess, I said.
I have dificulty understanding Irish accents and I'm irish!
carville is kinda scary-looking.
and mad, i hope your source for the prediction is good. i know you're not going to reveal him/her and for some reason that makes me trust you.
but we'll see very soon.
Yeah I'm curious about that prediction too...
You know, I find that I really am not curious at all about this prediction. Good luck to Senator Obama. I hope the endorsement does him some good when it comes.
Thanks for the Edwards knowledge drop Mad. Carville is a Reptile/Cajun hybrid spawned from ET semen.
I see the meters got delayed. In the past you've written about negotiating rates with your special clients who are making many stops or need you to wait while they take care of business. If the meter system does get enacted, will you still negotiate a rate with these clients or will the meter take care of you?
Mad gets all the inside dish!
compared to his wife, carville is a raving beauty.
and hey...I'M from north dakota!! so is peggy. you just haven't met us. yet.
Hey! Love the photo. Every time I come by your blog to see if there's a new post and see this guy's face instead, I giggle. And I almost hope you leave him up for awhile.
Heh, hey Mad--thanks for making my home state (North Dakota) look like it's the end of the freaking looniverse....oh wait, it is! ;)
I don't know what Mary Matalin sees in James Carville--he reminds me of Gollum for some reason.
MC I have just learned about ur blog.. I have spent the last three days reading just about every entry you have written. I think it is awesome!!. U have seen so much just being a cab driver it awesome and it is kinda bad. like the drive by um that is kinda scary. seeing and meeting all kinds of people is cool. Well I just wanted to wish you the best of luck and I just started a blog today too!! it is called a day in the life of.. my url i think is adayinthelifeofbj.blogspot.com.. check it out sometime when I have some good stuff up there!!! and let me know what you think!! good luck in life to u and Ali and paster joe and mr hook etc... I will be in DC next weekend I hope you are my taxi driver!! I live in VA so i come to DC often well i will start to come to DC often!!
I never heard a peep from John Edwards before the primary...
Mad, where you been? Im starting to take u for dead. But for sure, u are not feeling the heartbeat of the city if u have had nothing interesting to blog about.....for twenty days. I am old school and I dont do RSS feeds, I just check like someone would check their email. So ur job is really that lame, u arent really in the know as u proport yourself to be. Ive started reading the London Cabbie's deal, imagining his accent all the way. You better make up for lost time Mad, or Im going to fetch my boots, and leave your kit on a pitch in the bridge over yonder.
p.s. I am republishing this in the comments of ur next post.
Scary Larry. Eat drink,& be Larry.
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