Its nice to be back to work, I didn't hack in about a week. I had to do all kind of shit to my basement. New floor, fresh paint, updated bar and some wiring, between this job and the world cup, yours truly knocked it off in a week.
You know, I love my job, when ever I am away from it two days in a row I miss it. Lot of friends, people I know and some passengers ask me why drive a cab with two college degrees? The answer, I love what I do, I wouldn't change a thing, I kind of stumbled in to cab driving the summer before my senior year in college and to make the long story short I am still hacking.
I do not remember when the last time I used an alarm clock, I just wake up and go to work and come home when I am tired, five nights a week and forty six weeks a year. When ever I am out on the streets of Washington DC, I always try to do the right thing and call it a day. No deadlines, no boss, no office politics and NO ass kissing. I am not rich but I manage what I make very efficiently and I am comfortable, I don't worry about money. By no means I am trying to say cab driving is a dream job or its an easy meal ticket, this job is not for everyone, its hard work, it needs skill to make decent money, its deadly dangerous and you need balls made of steel.
So, I am glad I am back to those dark Washington streets, back dealing with the night working public, drunks, pushers, pimps, hookers, criminals, booty calls and all the filth of society, Mad Cabbie here he comes to serve your fucking ass.