My good friend
Ali-Two-Fingers is back! After years of American life, mostly in Washington DC. Ali moved back to his native land Pakistan to get married and open up a modern grocery store few years ago. When he explained his retarded game plan to me at the time I think I bitch slapped him or something. This guy worked hard in America for years, and dumping all his savings by investing in a country that has a safety record more dangerous than Washington DC wasn't a smart move.
He took a break and came to Washington about a year ago to renew his taxi hack license. Most ex cabbies who left the country do that as an insurance policy, something to fall back on in case something goes wrong in what ever shit they're doing. He stayed with me for couple of weeks and we had a great time getting drunk at the
Bunker and exchanging old cab-war stories. He signaled then that he had it with Pakistan and his new bride, and that he may be considering moving back to the States. I didn't take his comment seriously since we were both drunk until I got a phone call from Pakistan about couple of weeks ago.
ALI: Can you talk? Do you have a passenger?
ME: I got a fare but she is pissed off drunk and knocked out! What's up Two-Fingers?
ALI: I am coming on the 14th for good maddafucka!
ME: Are you shitting me? You're really coming for real?
ALI: Fuck Pakistan man, I am not going to ever set foot in that shithole!
ME: I told you so bitch, grocery my ass! Get your drunken taliban ass back to DC motherfucker!
ALI: So I am chilling at your crib until I find an apartment Mad!
ME: I got you covered Two Fingers, and I will ask that old fart
Hassan to hook you up with a cab...
Now my good friend Ali is staying with me for a while, and last night a bunch of his Pakistani friends were hanging out at my place to greet and welcome him. My joint looked like there was an Al Qaeda convention and I was afraid the navy seals were going to bust my door and smoke my ass.
I am thankful that one of my dear good friends is back in town and DC is lucky to have a great knowledgeable night cabbie back on the street.
And when is the FBI going to start criminal investigation of councilman
Harris Thomas Jr?
Please don't forget the homeless,
Mad Cabbie.